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Barter in Panay: An Epic by Ricaredo Demetillo (Out of Print)

Barter in Panay: An Epic by Ricaredo Demetillo (Out of Print)

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Barter in Panay constitutes Book I of a whole epic cycle focusing around the being of Datu Sumakwel, the first datu and law-giver of Panay. Part folkloric and history, although author believes that the establishment of Bornean settlements in the Visayas is a historical fact. An interesting read if you are from the Island of Panay in the Visayas, and particularly from the Province of Antique because stories of Datu Sumakwel has been told and retold throughout generations on how the island was subdivided into different provinces after it was bartered off to the Bornean chieftains. The record of the Bornean settlement of Panay under Datu Puti and Datu Sumakwel is to be found in the 'Maragtas', that interesting work containing semi-historical, semi-legendary accounts. Author has used the materials from the 'Maragtas' with poetic license to suit his own epic-purpose - to project the racial urges and desires for freedom, righteousness and justice of Filipinos. Out of print title. Originally published in 1961 by the Office of Research Coordination, University of the Philippines. This title being sold here was republished in 1984. Collectable.
A Philippine import.

Paperback: 132 Pages
Publisher: New Day Publishers (1984)
Language: English
ISBN: 971100168-3

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