Poetry Reading: in celebration of Poetry month 2018


To celebrate Poetry Month 2018  

Saturday, April 14, 2018 3:00pm - 6:00pm  

Philippine Expressions Bookshop 

479 W Sixth St., Suite 105 San Pedro, CA 90731  

Tel 310.514.9139   Event is Free and Open to the Public 

Seats are limited. RSVP via event brite or Tel 310-514-9139 or  email: info@philippinebookshop.com   


It is seldom that you will meet five male poets gathered in one room and praising their Muse!  If you will be unable to attend, we accept orders via email for signed copies of the authors' books.  If you RSVP via Eventbrite, you will receive a 10% discount for purchases during this event. Good for all books on the shelves. 

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