My Patria: Poems & Essays by Dawn Feliciano

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About the Author
Dawn Feliciano was born in 1973, in Baltimore, MD (USA). The daughter of U.P. -educated physicians, she continued in the tradition of quality education on the East Coast: Friends School, the Peabody Preparatory, Yale University (New Haven, CT), where she graduation with distinction (B.S. Literature, Cross-Cultural Narratives), in 1996. Ms. Feliciano elected to move to the Philippines for several reasons, among them to learn what had long been a secret language in the family (Tagalog), to gain valuable work experience teaching in the English Department at U.P., and to come to know her cousins and elders. At 25, she anticipates a flood of personal development on her horizons. She is presently completing her M.A. in Creative Writing at U.P, My Patria is a three-part collection of poetry and essays: I Never Knew Rizal; Flowers of Dilliman; and Mi Patria, which includes her undergraduate thesis at Yale on Rizal's poetry. Her own works included in this collection stem from the effects of dislocation.

Paperback: 168 pages
Publisher: Giraffe Books (1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 971896784-2
ISBN-13: 978-97-1-896784-3