Full Quarter Storms: Memoirs and Writings on the Philippine Left (1970-2010) by Cesar "Sonny" Melencio

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Through personal stories, descriptions of major political events, counter-theses and debates, as well as moving portraits of comrades past, Sonny Melencio brings the amazing history of the Philippine left to life, as an active and leading participant in almost four decades of struggle. The book covers the most significant periods of the rise, decline and renewal of the Philippine left from the student rebellion of the First Quarter Storm (1970-72) to the present period. It's an attempt to make an assessment and a summary of the past, to better understand the political crossroads faced by the movement today. It is also written for newly radicalizing activists and emerging leaders on whose shoulders will fall the responsibility of spearheading what Melencio describes as the 'Third Period' of renewing the Philippine left. The book challenges them to strike boldly and, in contrast to the negative pathos, burdens and acrimonies of the 'old left,' build on the rich history of the struggle for a socialist future. Herein lies the book's significance.

ISBN 10: 9719499001
ISBN 13: 9789719499008