Muslims in the Philippines by Cesar Adib Majul (Out of Print)

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"At bottom, the Muslim resistance against Spain in the Philippines was not an isolated or insignificant phenomenon but an essential part of the general resistance of all Muslim peoples in Malaysia against Western Imperialism, colonialism, and Christianity. In an important sense, the sultanates were articulations of a wider social entity, the Islamic society in the Malaysian world. It is within this context that the history of Moro Wars should be seen to be better understood.

"History books in the Philippines tend to lay emphasis on events in other islands and glorify national heroes from such areas, as if the history of the Philippines is only that of people who had been conquered while the history of the unconquered ones does not merit a share in the history of the Philippines. Possibly, with greater tolerance, intensive scholarship on all levels, deeper and wider moral perspectives, and a greater appreciation of the concept and implications of a pluralistic society, a future generation of Filipinos would consider the struggle of the Muslim South as part of the struggle of the entire nation and the epic exploits of its heroes may well be the nation's heritage." - Excerpts from the publisher's website.
A Philippine import.

ISBN/ISSN: 971542188-1
Publisher: University of the Philippines, 1999
Pages: 488 pages
Size: 6x9
Weight: 780g