Mostly in Monsoon Weather: Poems New & Revised by Marne L. Kilates

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He has wanted "a name for the sun in this waterlogged archipelago of ours, as it bounces off all sundry shining things"; he had wanted to remember sunlight..."but the streets flood with the carbon-stained cocktail gurgling out of the canals, sloshed by the rotting imported second-hand buses stalled in the gridlock induced by the cloudburst...(and) The monsoon always catches up with me." Will the poet see the sun and be happy? Join him- this "permeable fool of the monsoon"- as he travels from "a doomed spell of dryness, clear skies and kite fights, "from " days numbered in dry season light, "to" The grey hour...the humid hour..."when "The vanished faces beckon, The vanished voices whisper, Come hither, and remember." And enjoy the many curious little detours, the out-of-the-way places, in between. And you'll probably regret it.

Paperback: 111 pages
Publisher: The University of the Philippines Press (2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 971542545-3
ISBN-13: 978-97-1-542545-2