Ehemplo : Spirituality Of Shared Integrity In Philippine Church And Society (Research on Spirituality Series No. 6) by SJ Albert E. Alejo

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"A number of years ago, a book entitled 'Our Best Kept Secret' by Edward P Deverri, et al caught the attention of many professors and students of theology and religious education. It was thought-provoking and soul-searching. It sought to focus on the Church's social doctrine. It is a call to form 'a personal and social conscience' attuned to the gospel message as it touches the social realm. Today, we have another such book. Ehemplo: Toward a Spirituality of Shared Integrity in Philippine Church and Society is a good example of how to translate the Church's social doctrine in Philippine life and culture. Four areas for our consideration in reading the book: the teacher, the students, the message, the technology. The teacher is the Church and our country -- our collective shared wisdom drawn for the gospel and our unique Asian-Philippine realities. The students are each of us with all our hopes and failures, aspirations and learning's. The message is the gospel lived in the context of Filipino culture; the Churche's ennobling teachings passed on for generation to generation and the shared experiences of heroes and heroines who lived integrity to the fullest. The technology is the simple and basic witness of life. Ehemplo is a must for any Filipino citizen aspiring for "fullness of life." It is a "must" resource book for every catechist and Catholic educator committed to a value-laden, competence-building, skills training program. Yes, we must read these pages of a book -- the main objective of which, I believe, is to make 'heroes with halos' out of every Filipino. Godspeed and Mabuhay!" --Msgr. Gerardo O. Santos President, Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP) -Excerpts from the Foreword.
A Philippine import. Limited copies available.

Publisher : Institute of Spirituality In Asia (January 1, 2010)
Language: : English
Paperback : 106 pages