Holocaust In Manila: During World War ll by Homer Duncan

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The book is about the history of the Philippines, World War ll, atrocities committed by the Japanese, Filipino Patriots, General Douglas MacArthur and personal stories by Filipino veterans never printed before.

The Philippines is a nation of hospitable and benevolent people. For centuries the Filipinos were unfortunate to be bound by the subjugation of foreigners (Spain and the United States) that invaded their country and established their own form of government. The United States vanquished the Spanish in 1898 and declared the Philippines a possession of the United States. The U.S. defined and justified its colonial role as one of tutelage; that is, preparing the Philippines for eventual independence, which occurred years later.

Japanese soldiers were the most atrocious invaders in the history of the world; judging by the totality of their barbaric atrocities against 100,000 innocent women and children in Manila. Chapter 4 is about the holocaust in Manila, the pictures and stories are the tip of the iceberg. The stories and pictures were used for the War Crime Trials, and copies are on file at the National Archives.

There were several Filipino patriots during the past 500 years, there is only one foreigner that has the respect and honor as the Filipino patriots, and that is General Douglas MacArthur. Beth Day Romulo, Filipino citizen, and author of “The Manila Hotel,” describes him from the Filipino perspective in her book by saying “It is difficult for modern-day Americans to comprehend just what MacArthur means to Filipinos. Despite his unique spot in American History - a distinguished Career that included front-line service in World War 1, the Superintendent of West Point, Chief of Staff in Washington, as well as his outstanding contribution as Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific operations in World War ll - Douglas MacArthur means more emotionally and spiritually to Filipinos than he does to Americans. In America he was admired, but also criticized and sometimes reviled. In the Philippines he was - and continues to be - a god. He is loved and worshipped as no other Westerner has been, or shall perhaps ever be, in Asia.

Language : English
Publisher: Trafford Publishing (2007)
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781412098793