Are you the Forest King? by Penny Reyes-Velasco

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Author: Penny Reyes-Velasco

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Are You the Forest King? is a story about a young boy's search for the great ruler of the forest. With every step he takes, he discovers how living things become part of the web of life. He soon finds out that when one part of this web is destroyed, all the other parts are damaged. This story also talks about our Earth as a wounded land, and how our oneness and love can heal and restore it. As he makes his journey deep into the forest, the boy discovers the real forest king along the way. The forest king then shares with him his wisdom of the ages, seeds of love and kindness, and a great secret that was kept all these years but can now be told to all the people in the world.

  • Softcover: 28 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9719221003
  • ISBN-13: 978-9719221005